p class="popcorn"> The Thing that is on top of the Mountainhill
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An infamous cryptid has risen from the hills and has found it's ways to spread his influence
This is a recreation the Everest Bird
The Everest Bird is a legend where a large, leathery bird that has been told to seen on top of the largest mountains in the world. This is the most common apperance and is unknown of what the bird actually looks like, some say it has flesh for skin while other witnisses have pointed out that the bird has a more human-like expression. No one is sure because the bird in various photographs and other pictures is shown to go so fast that eyewitneses and photographers have a hard time catching the bird and where it is going. This caused scientist to call the whole thing a hoax. To this day others are unsure of where the bird is or where it's current location is for right now. Some say it's still on mount everest.